Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 34

Mini craft project today!

I've always wanted to make some sort of display for my earrings, because I have so many... (yes, I know I am a girly girl!) So on a whim, I picked up a picture frame at TJMaxx, cut away the back, and put in some thin wire.

My roommate thought I was crazy (in a good way :) )

Heute war Basteltag!

Ich hab einen ganzen Haufen Ohrringe, und nie wirklich Platz um sie alle aufzubewahren. Heute hab ich einen Fotorahmen gekauft, die Rückseite weggeschnitten, und dünne Drähte gespannt...

Meine Mitbewohnerin fand's gut :)

Day 34 - February 3rd

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i made a similar earring display-thingy (2 in fact) only i used screening. i love yours with the wire! earrings look like art displayed that way, and it sure beats trying to find them in a jumble in a jewelry box. nice!