Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spontaneous Trip to Philadelphia

Lisa and I went on a very spontaneous trip to Philly to visit her boyfriend James in early May.
The weather was beautiful, and we had a great time seeing the sights!

I arranged some of the pictures we took below.

Lisa, meine Mitbewohnerin, und ich, haben einen sehr spontanen Ausflug nach Philadelphia gemacht, um ihren Freund James zu besuchen (etwa acht Stunden im Bus).
Das Wetter war wunderschön und wir hatten viel Spaß!

Ein paar der Bilder könnt ihr unten sehen.

1 comment:

Rosalisa said...


So I've been thinking about these pictures of old buildings juxtaposed with the newer buildings and I think you did a great job with these. Philadelphia is incredibly old but at the same time its booming in terms of its efforts in modern construction (while still preserving the old). Chetanya made a good point on one of your pictures of the old and the new. Its beautiful! I think maybe as you get more comfortable with photography, you can go back and do a real series on this theme alone. Maybe you can do a collection of this theme across many cities and architectural landscapes :)

By the way, this trip was a lot of fun- I'm glad you liked it too!
